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Customs Policy
- Personal imports with a FOB (free on Board) value of US$100 or less will not be subject to import duties, however for items that exceed US$100, duties will be applied.
- Goods imported for commercial use will be subject to import charge, regardless of the FOB value.
Importing Restricted Items into Jamaica
As Christmas approaches, Jamaicans and visitors travelling from overseas may wish to import items in celebration of the season, such as uncooked ham/turkey, fire crackers, fireworks, pyrotechnics, toy guns, or alcohol (in excess of the stipulated allowance), all of which are categorized as restricted items.
So what are restricted items?
Restricted items are those goods which require a permit or license in order to be imported into Jamaica. Failure to comply with this stipulation will result in the passenger or importer being breached, for contravening the Customs Act. It is therefore important that the requisite permits or licenses must be sought before the items are imported into Jamaica.
Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs):
- I wish to import ham for Christmas, may I do so?
Response: The importations of meats require a permit from the Ministry of Agriculture. - Can Red Kidney Beans be imported without a permit?
No. Red Kidney Beans require a permit from our Ministry of Agriculture. - My children wish to travel with their toy guns, are these allowed?
Toy guns are restricted, as they are deemed as a threat and can be used for illicit purposes. The requisite permit is needed for importing these items. - Can camouflage (military) clothing be imported?
This gear is for military purpose or use only. It will be deemed as an impersonation or a threat, if civilians are caught wearing this type of clothing. - Do I need a permit to import the remains of my deceased relative?
A permit is required for the importation of all human remains (corpse or ashes). - Are fruits and vegetables restricted?
These items are restricted, in order to prevent the importation of pests or plant diseases. The requisite permit is needed from the Ministry of Health, before they can be imported.
List of Restricted Items:
Some passengers and importers are unaware of the various permits that are required for importing certain items. The following list stipulates the items that are restricted. This list is subject to change, as items are added and removed as the Government of Jamaica dictates.
MOA – Ministry of Agriculture
MOH – Ministry of Health
MNS – Ministry of National Security
PRAD – Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs Division
KSHA – Kingston & St. Andrew Health Department
Restricted Items | Requirement | Issuing Agency | Telephone |
Meat/Animals | Permit/Certificate | MOA | 977-0637 |
Red Peas | Permit/ Phyto Sanitary Certificate | MOA | 977-0637 |
Fruits, Vegetables, Plants & Plant Products, Honey, Seeds, Cut Flowers, Onions | Phyto Sanitary Certificate / Permit | MOA | 977-0637 |
Ground Provision | Phyto Sanitary Certificate /Permit | MOA | 633-7433 |
Pharmaceuticals, Chemicals, Herbal Teas | PSD Certificate | PRAD/MOH | 633-7120 |
Firearms, and Accessories Explosives, Fireworks, Sword | Permit/License to Import | MNS/Trade Board | 906-4908 967-0507 |
Sugar | License | Trade Board | 967-0507 |
Coconut Derivatives – Oil Producing Seeds, Edible Oils, Soaps | Permit | Coconut Industry Board | 926-1770 |
Motor Vehicles | License | Trade Board | 967-0507 |
Alcohol in Bulk | Spirit Pool Permit | Spirit Pool Association Ltd. | 968-4455 |
Human Remains | KSAH Permit | Kingston & St. Andrew Health Dept. | 926-1550-2 |
Pesticides | Permit | Pesticides Control Authority | 633-7770/2 |
Milk Powder Milk Based Products | License/Permit | MOA | 977-0637 |
Radios (Two-Way) | License/Approval | Spectrum Management Authority | 967-7948 |